Certificate Course ‚Nature Conservation Engineer‘
A success story

At the end of October, the alumni of the certificate course ‚Nature Conservation Engineer‘ that E.C.O. codeveloped with the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences presented their final conservation projects. To sum up the projects: Innovation and pioneering spirit for nature conservation of tomorrow.
The engineers developed and worked on:
- Constructing and optimizing spawning waters for amphibia
- Optimizing high tide retention reservoirs regarding conservational aspects
- Concrete walls as habitats of the wall lizard
The next round of this one year, practically orientated certificate course starts in February 2021. The course’s success speaks for itself. In October, ‚Nature Conservation Engineer‘ was awarded 3rd place at the Austrian Sustainability Awards, founded by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research.
>> Details: Certificate Course ‚Nature Conservation Engineer‘