Education platform for Natura 2000 managers
LIFE project 'European Nature Academy' (ENA)

Together with an international team, we are working on the creation of the 'European Nature Academy' (ENA), Europe's first online education platform for Natura 2000 managers. It aims to provide easily accessible and tailored learning experiences for Europe's protected area managers.
The EU-funded LIFE ENABLE project 'Creating the European Nature Academy for applied Blended Learning', led by the EUROPARC Federation, started in August 2021 and will run until July 2024.
The 'European Nature Academy' (ENA) is to establish itself as a European training system on a pan-European level and is oriented towards current EU legislation, first and foremost the EU Biodiversity Strategy. Innovative and appealing training activities will be developed, tested and implemented. The aim is to improve natural area management with a focus on Natura 2000 sites.
The whole project team is composed of experts from several European countries. Besides the project management by the EUROPARC Federation, we are joined by: Alfred Töpfer Academy for Nature Conservation (Germany), FUNGOBE (Spain), Metsähallitus (Finland), MedPAN (France), ProPark (Romania) and TESAF (Italy).
Together with our project partners, we are happy to contribute to all project milestones such as: GAP analysis, development of governance standards and protocols, creation of the 'Learning with 'LIFE' network, creation of a new online Training Needs Analysis tool, creation of the online education platform, further development of the eNatura2000 app, design of training programs, multiple communication and application activities.
The project is funded by the EU's LIFE program, which celebrates its 30th anniversary in 2022. We will keep you informed about further project results.