‘GEO-Tag der Natur‘ 2 & 3 July 2021
Research event in the Kärntner Nockberge Biosphere Reserve

This year, the ‚GEO-Tag der Natur‘ (‚GEO Day of Nature’) will again take place in the Kärntner Nockberge Biosphere Reserve. With the motto being ‘Am Fuße der Zunderwand’ (‘At the foot of Zunderwand’) the research programme focuses on an area that is of special interest in biogeographical terms.
Significant for the area are insular occurrences of calcicole plant and animal species amidst siliceous bedrock, among them local endemic species and other rarities.
Calcareous grasslands, rocky grounds and boulders at between 1700 and 2150 m of altitude, rich alpine meadows and pastures of larches on primary rock promise particular rich species diversity.
Standing water bodies, mountain streams, swamps and ‘rieselflurs’ can also be found in this year’s research area.
Experts and nature enthusiasts are welcome to take part in this research event on 2 and 3 July. For attendees who actively collect and document their findings the costs for accommodation and food are borne by the organiser.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Info (in German only):
Registration form